
Refer to the conda cheatsheet for basic commands for creating and managing environments, installing packages, and importing and exporting environments.


verify conda install and check version

conda info

update conda in base environment

conda update -n base conda

install latest anaconda distribution (see release notes)

conda install anaconda

create a new environment (tip: name environment descriptively)

conda create --name ENVNAME

activate environment (do this before installing packages)

conda activate ENVNAME

Channels and Packages#

list installed packages

conda list

list installed packages with source info

conda list --show-channel-urls

update all packages

conda update --all

install a package from specific channel

conda install -c CHANNELNAME PKGNAME


install specific version of package

conda install PKGNAME=3.1.4

install package with AND logic

conda install “PKGNAME>2.5, <3.2”

install package with OR logic

conda install “PKGNAME [version=’2.5|3.2’]”

uninstall package

conda uninstall PKGNAME

view channel sources

conda config --show-sources

add channel

conda config --add channels CHANNELNAME

set default channel for pkg fetching (targets first channel in channel sources)

conda config --set channel_priority strict

Working with Conda Environments#

list all environments and locations

conda info --envs

list all packages + source channels

conda list -n ENVNAME --show-channel-urls

install packages in environment

conda install -n ENVNAME PKGNAME1 PKGNAME2

remove package from environment

conda uninstall -n ENVNAME PKGNAME

update all packages in environment

conda update --all -n ENVNAME

Environment Management#

create environment with Python version

conda create -n ENVNAME python=3.10

clone environment

conda create --clone ENVNAME -n NEWENV

rename environment

conda rename -n ENVNAME NEWENVNAME

delete environment by name

conda remove -n ENVNAME --all

list revisions made to environment

conda list -n ENVNAME --revisions

restore environment to a revision

conda install -n ENVNAME --revision NUMBER

uninstall package from specific channel


Exporting Environments#

cross-platform compatible

conda export --from-history>ENV.yml

platform + package specific

conda export ENVNAME>ENV.yml

platform + package + channel specific

conda list --explicit>ENV.txt

Importing Environments#

from a .yml file

conda env create -n ENVNAME --file ENV.yml

from a .txt file

conda create -n ENVNAME --file ENV.txt

Additional Hints#

get help for any command

conda COMMAND --help

get info for any package

conda search PKGNAME --info

run commands w/o user prompt, e.g., installing multiple packages

conda COMMAND ARG --yes

conda install PKGNAME1 PKGNAME2 --yes

remove all unused files

conda clean --all

examine conda configuration

conda config --show