
This module provides serializable, validatable, type-enforcing domain objects and data transfer objects. It has many of the same motivations as the python Marshmallow package. It is most similar to Schematics.


Chapter 1: Entity and Field Basics#

>>> class Color(Enum):
...     blue = 0
...     black = 1
...     red = 2
>>> class Car(Entity):
...     weight = NumberField(required=False)
...     wheels = IntField(default=4, validation=lambda x: 3 <= x <= 4)
...     color = EnumField(Color)
>>> # create a new car object
>>> car = Car(color=Color.blue, weight=4242.46)
>>> car
Car(weight=4242.46, color=0)
>>> # it has 4 wheels, all by default
>>> car.wheels
>>> # but a car can't have 5 wheels!
>>> #  the `validation=` field is a simple callable that returns a
>>> #  boolean based on validity
>>> car.wheels = 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: Invalid value 5 for wheels
>>> # we can call .dump() on car, and just get back a standard
>>> #  python dict actually, it's an ordereddict to match attribute
>>> #  declaration order
>>> type(car.dump())
<class '...OrderedDict'>
>>> car.dump()
OrderedDict([('weight', 4242.46), ('wheels', 4), ('color', 0)])
>>> # and json too (note the order!)
>>> car.json()
'{"weight": 4242.46, "wheels": 4, "color": 0}'
>>> # green cars aren't allowed
>>> car.color = "green"
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: 'green' is not a valid Color
>>> # but black cars are!
>>> car.color = "black"
>>> car.color
<Color.black: 1>
>>> # car.color really is an enum, promise
>>> type(car.color)
<enum 'Color'>
>>> # enum assignment can be with any of (and preferentially)
>>> #   (1) an enum literal,
>>> #   (2) a valid enum value, or
>>> #   (3) a valid enum name
>>> car.color = Color.blue; car.color.value
>>> car.color = 1; car.color.name
>>> # let's do a round-trip marshalling of this thing
>>> same_car = Car.from_json(car.json())  # or equally Car.from_json(json.dumps(car.dump()))
>>> same_car == car
>>> # actually, they're two different instances
>>> same_car is not car
>>> # this works too
>>> cloned_car = Car(**car.dump())
>>> cloned_car == car
>>> # while we're at it, these are all equivalent too
>>> car == Car.from_objects(car)
>>> car == Car.from_objects({"weight": 4242.46, "wheels": 4, "color": 1})
>>> car == Car.from_json('{"weight": 4242.46, "color": 1}')
>>> # .from_objects() even lets you stack and combine objects
>>> class DumbClass:
...     color = 0
...     wheels = 3
>>> Car.from_objects(DumbClass(), dict(weight=2222, color=1))
Car(weight=2222, wheels=3, color=0)
>>> # and also pass kwargs that override properties pulled
>>> #  off any objects
>>> Car.from_objects(DumbClass(), {'weight': 2222, 'color': 1}, color=2, weight=33)
Car(weight=33, wheels=3, color=2)

Chapter 2: Entity and Field Composition#

>>> # now let's get fancy
>>> # a ComposableField "nests" another valid Entity
>>> # a ListField's first argument is a "generic" type,
>>> #   which can be a valid Entity, any python primitive
>>> #   type, or a list of Entities/types
>>> class Fleet(Entity):
...     boss_car = ComposableField(Car)
...     cars = ListField(Car)
>>> # here's our fleet of company cars
>>> company_fleet = Fleet(boss_car=Car(color='red'), cars=[car, same_car, cloned_car])
>>> company_fleet.pretty_json()  
  "boss_car": {
    "wheels": 4
    "color": 2,
  "cars": [
      "weight": 4242.46,
      "wheels": 4
      "color": 1,
      "weight": 4242.46,
      "wheels": 4
      "color": 1,
      "weight": 4242.46,
      "wheels": 4
      "color": 1,
>>> # the boss' car is red of course (and it's still an Enum)
>>> company_fleet.boss_car.color.name
>>> # and there are three cars left for the employees
>>> len(company_fleet.cars)

Chapter 3: Immutability#

>>> class ImmutableCar(ImmutableEntity):
...     wheels = IntField(default=4, validation=lambda x: 3 <= x <= 4)
...     color = EnumField(Color)
>>> icar = ImmutableCar.from_objects({'wheels': 3, 'color': 'blue'})
>>> icar
ImmutableCar(wheels=3, color=0)
>>> icar.wheels = 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: Assignment not allowed. ImmutableCar is immutable.
>>> class FixedWheelCar(Entity):
...     wheels = IntField(default=4, immutable=True)
...     color = EnumField(Color)
>>> fwcar = FixedWheelCar.from_objects(icar)
>>> fwcar.json()
'{"wheels": 3, "color": 0}'
>>> # repainting the car is easy
>>> fwcar.color = Color.red
>>> fwcar.color.name
>>> # can't really change the number of wheels though
>>> fwcar.wheels = 18
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: The wheels field is immutable.

Chapter X: The del and null Weeds#

>>> old_date = lambda: isoparse('1982-02-17')
>>> class CarBattery(Entity):
...     # NOTE: default value can be a callable!
...     first_charge = DateField(required=False)  # default=None, nullable=False
...     latest_charge = DateField(default=old_date, nullable=True)  # required=True
...     expiration = DateField(default=old_date, required=False, nullable=False)
>>> # starting point
>>> battery = CarBattery()
>>> battery
>>> battery.json()
'{"latest_charge": "1982-02-17T00:00:00", "expiration": "1982-02-17T00:00:00"}'
>>> # first_charge is not assigned a default value. Once one is assigned, it can be deleted,
>>> #   but it can't be made null.
>>> battery.first_charge = isoparse('2016-03-23')
>>> battery
CarBattery(first_charge=datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 23, 0, 0))
>>> battery.first_charge = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: Value for first_charge not given or invalid.
>>> del battery.first_charge
>>> battery
>>> # latest_charge can be null, but it can't be deleted. The default value is a callable.
>>> del battery.latest_charge
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: The latest_charge field is required and cannot be deleted.
>>> battery.latest_charge = None
>>> battery.json()
'{"latest_charge": null, "expiration": "1982-02-17T00:00:00"}'
>>> # expiration is assigned by default, can't be made null, but can be deleted.
>>> battery.expiration
datetime.datetime(1982, 2, 17, 0, 0)
>>> battery.expiration = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: Value for expiration not given or invalid.
>>> del battery.expiration
>>> battery.json()
'{"latest_charge": null}'



Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing


Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing




class Field(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

property name#
property required#
property type#
property default#
property in_dump#
property default_in_dump#
property nullable#
property is_nullable#
property immutable#
_order_helper = 0#
__get__(instance, instance_type)#
__set__(instance, val)#
box(instance, instance_type, val)#
unbox(instance, instance_type, val)#
dump(instance, instance_type, val)#
validate(instance, val)#

if val is valid

Return type:



ValidationError --

class BooleanField(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
class IntegerField(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

class NumberField(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

_type = ()#
class StringField(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
class DateField(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
dump(instance, instance_type, val)#
class EnumField(enum_class, default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
dump(instance, instance_type, val)#
class ListField(element_type, default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
unbox(instance, instance_type, val)#
dump(instance, instance_type, val)#
validate(instance, val)#

if val is valid

Return type:



ValidationError --

class MapField(default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=True, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
class ComposableField(field_class, default=NULL, required=True, validation=None, in_dump=True, default_in_dump=True, nullable=False, immutable=False, aliases=())#

Bases: Field

Fields are doing something very similar to boxing and unboxing of c#/java primitives. __set__ should take a "primitive" or "raw" value and create a "boxed" or "programmatically usable" value of it. While __get__ should return the boxed value, dump in turn should unbox the value into a primitive or raw value.

  • types (primitive literal or type or sequence of types)

  • default (any, callable, optional) -- If default is callable, it's guaranteed to return a valid value at the time of Entity creation.

  • required (boolean, optional)

  • validation (callable, optional)

  • dump (boolean, optional)

box(instance, instance_type, val)#
dump(instance, instance_type, val)#
class Entity(**kwargs)#
property _initd#
_lazy_validate = False#
classmethod from_objects(*objects, **override_fields)#
classmethod from_json(json_str)#
classmethod load(data_dict)#

Return repr(self).

classmethod __register__()#
json(indent=None, separators=None, **kwargs)#
pretty_json(indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), **kwargs)#
classmethod __dump_fields()#

Return self==value.


Return hash(self).

class ImmutableEntity(**kwargs)#

Bases: Entity

__setattr__(attribute, value)#

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Implement delattr(self, name).