
This module contains a subclass implementation of pluggy's PluginManager.

Additionally, it contains a function we use to construct the PluginManager object and register all plugins during conda's startup process.



The conda plugin manager to implement behavior additional to pluggy's default plugin manager.


get_plugin_manager(→ CondaPluginManager)

Get a cached version of the CondaPluginManager instance,

class CondaPluginManager(project_name: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs)#

Bases: pluggy.PluginManager

The conda plugin manager to implement behavior additional to pluggy's default plugin manager.

get_canonical_name(plugin: object) str#

Return a canonical name for a plugin object.

Note that a plugin may be registered under a different name specified by the caller of register(plugin, name). To obtain the name of a registered plugin use get_name(plugin) instead.

register(plugin, name: str | None = None) str | None#

Call pluggy.PluginManager.register() and return the result or ignore errors raised, except ValueError, which means the plugin had already been registered.

load_plugins(*plugins) int#

Load the provided list of plugins and fail gracefully on error. The provided list of plugins can either be classes or modules with hookimpl.

load_entrypoints(group: str, name: str | None = None) int#

Load modules from querying the specified setuptools group.

  • group (str) -- Entry point group to load plugins.

  • name (str) -- If given, loads only plugins with the given name.

Return type:



The number of plugins loaded by this call.

get_hook_results(name: Literal[conda.plugins.subcommands]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaSubcommand]#
get_hook_results(name: Literal[conda.plugins.virtual_packages]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaVirtualPackage]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[conda.plugins.solvers]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaSolver]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[pre_commands]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaPreCommand]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[post_commands]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaPostCommand]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[auth_handlers]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaAuthHandler]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaHealthCheck]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[pre_solves]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaPreSolve]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[conda.plugins.post_solves]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaPostSolve]
get_hook_results(name: Literal[settings]) list[conda.plugins.types.CondaSetting]

Return results of the plugin hooks with the given name and raise an error if there is a conflict.

get_solvers() dict[str, conda.plugins.types.CondaSolver]#

Return a mapping from solver name to solver class.

get_solver_backend(name: str | None = None) type[conda.core.solve.Solver]#

Get the solver backend with the given name (or fall back to the name provided in the context).

See context.solver for more details.

Please use the cached version of this method called get_cached_solver_backend() for high-throughput code paths which is set up as a instance-specific LRU cache.

get_auth_handler(name: str) type[requests.auth.AuthBase] | None#

Get the auth handler with the given name or None

get_settings() dict[str, conda.common.configuration.ParameterLoader]#

Return a mapping of plugin setting name to ParameterLoader class

This method intentionally overwrites any duplicates that may be present

invoke_pre_commands(command: str) None#

Invokes CondaPreCommand.action functions registered with conda_pre_commands.


command -- name of the command that is currently being invoked

invoke_post_commands(command: str) None#

Invokes CondaPostCommand.action functions registered with conda_post_commands.


command -- name of the command that is currently being invoked

disable_external_plugins() None#

Disables all currently registered plugins except built-in conda plugins

get_subcommands() dict[str, conda.plugins.types.CondaSubcommand]#
get_virtual_packages() tuple[conda.plugins.types.CondaVirtualPackage, Ellipsis]#
invoke_health_checks(prefix: str, verbose: bool) None#
invoke_pre_solves(specs_to_add: frozenset[conda.models.match_spec.MatchSpec], specs_to_remove: frozenset[conda.models.match_spec.MatchSpec]) None#

Invokes CondaPreSolve.action functions registered with conda_pre_solves.

  • specs_to_add

  • specs_to_remove

invoke_post_solves(repodata_fn: str, unlink_precs: tuple[conda.models.records.PackageRecord, Ellipsis], link_precs: tuple[conda.models.records.PackageRecord, Ellipsis]) None#

Invokes CondaPostSolve.action functions registered with conda_post_solves.

  • repodata_fn

  • unlink_precs

  • link_precs

load_settings() None#

Iterates through all registered settings and adds them to the conda.common.configuration.PluginConfig class.

get_plugin_manager() CondaPluginManager#

Get a cached version of the CondaPluginManager instance, with the built-in and entrypoints provided by the plugins loaded.